Using the filters in the curriculum map

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By using the filters in the curriculum map, you can focus on the topics that are relevant and important to you. It will also save you time by finding specific words or topics quickly.

The filtering works the same whether you are on the curriculum map for all subjects, or for an individual subject. You can filter by tag, owner, topic or whether a word is ready.

Filtering by ‘owner’ allows you to filter to view words added or created by a particular person within your school.

Filtering by ‘tag’ allows you to filter by the group or category that has been assigned to a word e.g. KS3, Autumn term, Year 6.

Filtering by ‘topic’ allows you to just view the words in a particular topic. You can choose any topic within the subject to view.

Filtering by ‘ready’ allows you to view the words that are either ready to teach or the words that aren’t ready to teach.

Top Tip

Filtering by ‘ready’ is particularly helpful when you are building your curriculum. You can view just the words you need to focus on that are ready for use.

The filtering is the same as whichever option you choose to filter by:

  1. Select what you want to filter by e.g. topic
  2. Select the filter option e.g. 3.6 Finance
  3. Click ‘apply’

You can add multiple filters. This is especially useful when you are looking at words that aren’t ready to teach. For example, you may want to filter by ‘owner’ and ‘not ready to teach.’

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