What happens if a particular Block is too hard or too easy for a learner?

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Bedrock continually monitors your learners' progress via the deep learning algorithm and adjusts accordingly.

After your learners have completed their Alpha placement test, they will start learning on a block most appropriate for their vocabulary level. However, if they find their lessons too easy or too hard in that block, Bedrock's automated ‘bump up, bump down’ logic ensures they continue to work through content appropriate for their ability. This happens automatically for all learners.

Here is an explanation of the automated ‘bump up/bump down’ logic:

  • If a learner scores 25 or less on a post-topic test just once, they will be bumped down a Block.
  • If a learner scores 93 or more on two consecutive pre- and post-topic tests (at the beginning and end of two topics), they will be bumped up a Block.
  • In both cases, the previous Block will be locked to prevent the learner from going back to it.

You can also add or change the block for a class or an individual manually.

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