Administering the Reading Test is convenient and straightforward. On the day of the test, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that the assessment runs smoothly.
Before starting the Reading Test
- Do all learners have their Bedrock login details? If your school uses single sign-on, they can log in using their Google or Office school email addresses. If not, you can view your learners’ usernames and passwords by following this guide.
- Do learners have enough time to complete the test? The test takes between 30-45 minutes depending on the learner, so make sure that they have enough time to complete it as tests can only be paused for 60 minutes in total.
Has the test been scheduled for the correct time? The test will automatically start at this scheduled time, and learners have within one hour of this start time to begin their test.
During the Reading Test
- Does each learner have their own computer? Where possible, space learners out across the room.
- Is the room quiet and free from distractions? Learners should not access other resources like the internet, phones, or dictionaries.
- Have the learners been reminded that the Reading Test is a formal assessment? It must be completed under test conditions.
- Is there a teacher present at all times? To minimise the likelihood of malpractice, a teacher should monitor learners whilst the test is taking place.
In the event of any unplanned interruptions, it is possible to pause the test while these are resolved.
At the end of the Reading Test
The test is expected to take around 30-45 minutes, but because it is adaptive, each learner will finish at a different time. If they complete the test before the end of the class, learners can continue with their Bedrock lessons on other areas of the platform.
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