Manual schools: Adding/updating classes and learners

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If you provide us with your school’s data manually, you can add or update classes and learners within the app.

If you are a Bedrock lead teacher, you can manually add or update both classes and learners within the teacher dashboard.

Adding a new class

You can add a new class for your school in a few easy steps.

  1. In the ‘teacher dashboard,’ click on the ‘class database’ tab
  2. Click the ‘Add class’ button
  3. Give your new class a name

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If you cannot see your new class, try refreshing your page or logging out and back in again.

Once you have a class set up, you can then assign learners to it.

  1. In the ‘class database’, click on your new class
  2. Click on the ‘Manage’ tab
  3. Click the drop-down menu arrow next to students
  4. Under ‘Add students’ click on the drop-down menu and select the year group you wish to add learners from.
  5. Use the search bar to find a specific learner, or scroll through the available learners and click ‘Add’ to assign them to your new class

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To add a teacher to the class, simply repeat the steps above, but use the drop-down menu arrow next to ‘Teachers’ instead.

Updating your current classes

You can add learners to your class with the steps above at any time. You can also remove learners from the class at any time with the following steps.

  1. Select your class
  2. Click on the ‘Manage’ tab
  3. Click on the drop-down menu arrow next to ‘Students’
  4. Click ‘Remove’ under ‘Remove from class’


It is important to make sure you are using the ‘Remove’ button underneath ‘Remove from class,’ rather than the one underneath ‘Other classes.’ This button will remove the learner from the other classes listed there.

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To remove a teacher from the class, simply repeat the steps above, but use the drop-down menu arrow next to ‘Teachers’ instead.

If you wish to update your class’s name, simply click on the class in the ‘Class database’ page, navigate to the ‘Manage’ tab, enter the new class name and click ‘Update.’

Adding a new learner

As a Lead Teacher, you can also manually add a new learner with the following steps.

  1. Click on the ‘Subscription management’ tab
  2. Click on the ‘Student database’ tab
  3. Click the ‘Add student’ button
  4. Enter the learner’s name
  5. Click the ‘Add student’ button

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  1. Fill in the rest of the student details by clicking ‘Edit.’ Complete as much information as possible, especially their year group so that they receive the correct content. This can be done at any time
  2. Using the drop-down menu, select the class you wish to assign the learner to
  3. Click ‘Add to class’

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New learners will be automatically assigned the same Bedrock curriculum content as the rest of the class they are added to.

Updating a learner’s data

We can perform a bulk upload of your learners’ data using a CSV file. You can request this file from

However, it is quicker to update individual learners’ data manually at any time by following these steps.

  1. In the ‘Class database’ tab, click on the learner’s class
  2. Click on the learner you wish to edit
  3. Click on the ‘Settings’ tab
  4. Click the ‘Edit’ button next to ‘Student details’
  5. Change the data you want to update
  6. Click the ‘Save’ button

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You can also find a learner by clicking on the ‘Subscription management’ tab in the teacher dashboard, clicking the ‘Student database’ button, and then locating the chosen learner. From there, follow on from Step 3 above.

For a smoother experience using Bedrock, you can use Wonde, which comes free with your Bedrock subscription. Wonde automatically updates your Bedrock classes in line with your school’s MIS. To use Wonde, follow these steps.

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