How to use Mapper content in the classroom

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Whether teaching pre-planned vocabulary, or a spontaneous teaching moment to address a misconception, you can use your Mapper content in the Classroom Hub directly on the whiteboard.

Searching for the vocabulary you wish to teach

  1. Type the word you wish to teach in the search bar


Once you have typed 3 characters, you will see recommendations of words based on content in your Mapper curriculum map.

  1. Click the enter key on your keyboard to search
  2. Select the desired word from the list


a word must be in your Mapper curriculum map and ‘ready-to-teach’ to appear in the Classroom Hub. Once you have built a word in your curriculum map, it will be instantly available in the Classroom Hub.

Search for a word.gif

Filtering search results

If multiple entries appear, you can filter results by subject or topic (e.g., only show math terms) to streamline your search.

Filtering search results.gif

Engaging with the activities for a word

For every word, you can interact with the activities that have been created. This includes submitting a response and receiving feedback. You can go through the activities sequentially, or you can use them in any order.

  1. Click on the desired word, it will open in a new tab
  2. Navigate through the different activities and explicit teaching by clicking on the different headers e.g. image activity


Activities will only appear if they have been set up for the word, and all content will be the same as in your curriculum map.


Engaging with content.gif

You can open an unlimited number of words in the Classroom Hub. If you're planning lessons in advance, you can search for and open the vocabulary words you intend to teach, already in your browser before the lesson starts.

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