How is time counted in Bedrock?

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At Bedrock, we understand the importance of monitoring learners’ engagement with the platform. One way we do this is by measuring the amount of time learners have spent using and interacting with the content.

‘Time spent’ data can be used to highlight where praise and encouragement can be given, and also identify learners who may require additional support to engage with the content. So, how is time counted across the platform?

A learner’s active time spent is cumulative across the core curriculum. Whether they are completing a vocabulary quiz, watching a grammar video, or revising GCSE terminology, this time will count towards their total.


If a learner becomes inactive partway through a lesson, their recorded time will be capped at 15 minutes. This ensures that learners are engaging with the platform in order for their time to be counted.

Where can I find the ‘time spent’ for my learners?

The ‘Time Spent' report is exactly as it sounds! This report allows you to view the time spent at a class level, or across the whole school using the ‘Time Spent Leaderboard.’ Even if the total time spent by a learner is 00m00s, all learners in the class are organised in alphabetical order by surname. You can select the date range for the report, so you can view the time period most relevant to you.

Alternatively, your learners’ total time spent over a 7-day period can be found within the ‘Weekly Engagement' report (also known as the 'smiley face report'). This provides a clear and quick overview of how much learners have engaged with the platform over the past week.


You can also see time spent on the emailed version of the 'Weekly Engagement' report, which you automatically receive titled 'Weekly Review.'

The ‘Weekly Engagement' report also contains total active time, both at class and school level, and can be broken down into the time spent in each platform area. Importantly, a lesson must be completed to count towards the time in the ‘Student Engagement' report. Lessons which have been started but not yet finished will not be counted, in order to accurately reflect engagement.

You can monitor usage by time with several of our helpful reports. These can be generated instantly and allow for easy visibility of time spent.



Why not explore the full range of reports available within the Bedrock Learning platform, and discover how you can best monitor your learner’s progress and attainment?

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