There are two ways to view the curriculum map: for all subjects, or for an individual subject.

The ‘all subjects’ view includes all subjects that have added content to your school.

The individual subject curriculum map, e.g. drama, only includes the chosen subject.


When you first log in to Mapper, you will not have any words in your curriculum map, and you will only have a curriculum map for ‘all subjects.’ The subject-specific curriculum maps are added automatically when you build your curriculum content.

Whether you are viewing the entire curriculum map for your school or the curriculum map for an individual subject, the functionality is the same. The curriculum maps can be used to explore and edit the vocabulary that is being learned across your curriculum. The curriculum map can also be used to perform bulk actions for multiple classes.

On an individual subject curriculum map, the summary shows the number of words added for that subject, the total number of topics, the total number of words that are ready to teach, and the number of classes configured for that subject.image3.png

If you view the curriculum map for all subjects, it shows you the total number of words across the curriculum, the total number of topics, the total number of words ready to teach and the number of classes configured in the school.

If you add any filters to the curriculum map, the summary will change to reflect the words that have been selected. You can view a specific subject, topic, owner or tag using the filters.

What does the curriculum map show us?


  1. Word: The words that have been added. You can view words and their learning activities by clicking on the word. You can edit these words and all of their parts at this point.

When you have selected words, use the different options at the top to perform bulk actions such as adding words to a class or deleting words from the curriculum.


  1. Bedrock Approved: If a word has the Bedrock logo next to it, it means the content was written by one of Bedrock Learning’s subject specialists and then added to your curriculum.
  2. Subject: The subject that the word belongs to
  3. Topic: The topic that the word is in
  4. Tags: The tags that have been added to a word - if you hover over the tag, the tags are shown


  1. Class(es): Class(es) that the word has been added to - if you hover over the number the list appears


  1. Owner: The owner and the initials refer to the person who added the content. If you hover over the initials, the full name is shown.
  2. Ready: The ‘ready’ column displays a tick when the word is ready to teach and a cross when it is not.

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