How is progress assessed?

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Bedrock Vocabulary

Progress is assessed through the pre-topic tests and post-topic tests that bookend each topic in Bedrock Vocabulary.

The pre-test assesses a learner’s baseline understanding of the words within that topic. The post-topic test assesses their understanding of the words once they have completed the six lessons on the topic.

Each lesson also formatively assesses learner understanding. Each activity is marked and learners receive appropriate feedback based on their response. To pass each lesson and move on to the next, learners have to score 60% or more.

You can see this data in the ‘Attainment' report in your teacher dashboard.

You can choose to look at all data for your class, or you can filter by block, by topic, or by micropopulation.

Progress through the curriculum can be seen through the ‘Block locations’ and report. This shows you how many blocks and topics each learner has completed on Bedrock.

Bedrock Grammar

Progress is assessed in two ways, through the holistic assessment and through the pre- and post-topic tests of each unit.

The Holistic Assessments assess learner understanding of the knowledge and skills of the Bedrock Grammar curriculum. They bookend the Grammar Foundations unit and the Advanced Grammar unit. The first test works as a diagnostic test, showing you each learner’s strengths and weaknesses. The second is a summative assessment, showing you the progress the learner has made at the end of the unit.

Progress in each topic is also assessed by a pre-test and a post-topic test. The pre-test assesses a learner’s baseline understanding of the grammar items within that topic. The post-topic test assesses their understanding of the items once they have completed the lessons on the topic.

Bedrock Mapper

Progress in the subject-specific curriculum is assessed through the pre-topic test and post-topic test results in each session. The pre-test assesses a learner’s baseline understanding of the words within that session. The post-topic test assesses their understanding of the words once they have completed the learning.
This calculates an average ‘session score’ which shows you the progress made, helping you to monitor mastery of subject-specific vocabulary.

To see this report,

  1. Click on ‘data and reporting’ in the top menu
  2. Click on ‘subject progress’
  3. Insert your date parameters
  4. Select your subject and class
  5. Click ‘run’

How is progress assessed BM.gif

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