Using reporting to influence your subject-specific teaching

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There are two reports that will be useful to influence your classroom teaching through the data-driven insights given by Mapper.

These reports are the ‘subject vocabulary insights report’ and the ‘knowledge organiser report.’

Whenever teachers at your school use the reporting on Mapper to influence their lesson plans, they link learning on Mapper to teaching in the classroom, creating a unified approach to disciplinary literacy.

The subject vocabulary insights report

Just as Mapper’s pre-test reporting gives teachers an idea of learners’ prior knowledge of vocabulary before they begin the lesson, activities learners complete after a classroom lesson help teachers identify misconceptions. Teachers across the curriculum can use the vocabulary insights report to inform the vocabulary they recap.

This approach is especially important when it comes to addressing the vocabulary gap, as some learners are more likely than others to struggle and fall behind when encountering new vocabulary. The vocabulary insights report gives teachers visibility of which learners need additional support, ensuring every learner has the opportunity to thrive.

The vocabulary insights report shows the words a learner got correct and incorrect in their pre-and post-tests per topic in each subject. This report is instrumental in the classroom and provides data insight into the vocabulary a teacher wishes students to learn. This data could be used to influence questioning, the words you ask learners to use in their writing, and also identify those that may need further support.

The report also shows the reteaching words a learner has been served and whether they were correctly or incorrectly answered.

The report is colour-coded in green and red showing the words learners got correct and incorrect, providing insight into vocabulary they may need extra support with, and also learners who may need additional challenge.

This report can be downloaded, with additional columns for ‘correct words in the pre-test’ and ‘incorrect words in the pre-test.’ This supports teachers in noticing trends in vocabulary learning.

To access your subject vocabulary report:

  1. Go to the ‘data and reporting tab’
  2. Select the ‘subject vocabulary insights’ report icon
  3. Choose the date parameters
  4. Select the subject you wish you view
  5. (OPTIONAL) Select the class you wish to view
  6. Click ‘run’
  7. OPTIONAL You can download the report as a .csv

The knowledge organiser report

The knowledge organiser report collates the written activities for every subject, topic and learner. Teachers can use this report to ensure learners are answering the written questions accurately, and putting in their best effort.

This report enables teachers to ensure understanding of the vocabulary and knowledge that students are learning. This also means that teachers can use the written activity answers in lessons as model responses or even set particular questions.

To access your knowledge organiser report

  1. Go to the ‘data and reporting tab’
  2. Select the 'knowledge’ report icon
  3. Choose the date parameters
  4. Select the subject you wish you view
  5. (OPTIONAL) Select the class you wish to view
  6. Click ‘run’
  7. (OPTIONAL) You can download the report as a .csv file

There are other reports in Mapper to support teachers to monitor usage, progress and mastery across the curriculum.

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