The Holistic Assessments assess learner understanding of the knowledge and skills of the Bedrock Grammar curriculum. They bookend the Grammar Foundations unit and the Advanced Grammar unit.
These 25-question tests cover all knowledge and skills in the Bedrock Grammar curriculum, which is aligned with the National Curriculum.
We recommend these tests be taken in school and that learners should undertake these tests in assessment conditions and shouldn’t receive help from teachers.
The first test operates as a diagnostic test, showing you and the learner areas they are confident in and areas they need to work on. This data can help personalise teaching and differentiate within the classroom.
A summative assessment is then undertaken at the end of the learning to provide you with clear progress data and help you evaluate the impact of this curriculum. It also helps inform classroom practice and interventions.
There are two tests - one at the beginning and one at the end - in both Bedrock Grammar units, Grammar Foundations and Advanced Grammar.
All data is RAG-rated (red, amber, green) for each of the topic areas across the curriculum, giving teachers information about learners’ strengths and challenges at a glance. The quartiles and level descriptors reflect the rationale of the end of Key Stage tests at Primary.
- 0-25% = Red
- 26-50% = Amber
- 51-75% = Green
- 76-100% = Navy Blue
You can see the results of the holistic assessments on a class level in ‘Class reports’ or if you have admin rights, on a whole school level in ‘school reports’ on your teacher dashboard.
You can export this data as a spreadsheet to share with key stakeholders. You can also filter the data to see progress data for different groups, e.g. SEND, Pupil Premium, EAL, Gender etc.
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