What is the intent of Bedrock Learning?

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The National Curriculum states that ‘Fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects.’ We know the importance of equipping our learners with the language they need to thrive across the curriculum.

The EEF’s ‘Reading House’ shows that Grammar and Vocabulary underpin language comprehension.


Proven to have a statistically significant impact on learners’ vocabulary, the intent of Bedrock Learning’s curriculum is to improve the elements of language that are so crucial to reading comprehension and communication across the curriculum.

To ensure mastery of literacy, Bedrock is based on an ‘assess - teach - reteach’ learning algorithm.

Bedrock’s Core Curriculum explicitly teaches Tier 2 vocabulary and curriculum-aligned grammar content through a range of fiction and nonfiction texts. The curriculum is personalised for each learner.

  • Vocabulary and Grammar are learned best in the context of rich, authentic texts.
  • The range of texts on the Bedrock platform makes sure that learners are regularly reading fiction and non-fiction and also growing their cultural capital from the wide selection of topics on offer.
  • Multimodal learning sequences are designed following research and best practice in vocabulary and grammar teaching.

Bedrock Mapper allows schools to map their subject-specific, Tier 3 vocabulary curriculum across the school and explicitly teach these key terms in a multimodal, data-driven way.

  • It explicitly teaches subject-specific, Tier 3 terms from every subject area
  • It shows teachers and leaders which words are being learned, in which subjects, when and by whom.
  • It drives a whole school approach to improving disciplinary literacy.
  • Bedrock Mapper inducts learners into the language that defines each subject and enables them to unlock a knowledge-rich curriculum.

All Bedrock progress data is available to teachers and SLTs, allowing everyone to meticulously track language acquisition and literacy improvement in their schools.


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