You can change the day you receive email reports to whichever suits you best. Alternatively, you can choose to stop receiving reporting emails altogether.
How to change the reporting day
Top Tip
Why not align your reporting day to your homework day? Receive reporting data directly to your inbox, perfectly timed to monitor Bedrock homework completion.
- Log in to your teacher dashboard
- On the 'class dashboard,' select the class you wish to change
- Select ‘Manage’ and scroll down to the ‘Teachers’ section
- Find the teacher you wish to change the reporting day for
- Using the dropdown, select the preferred reporting day
You can also access the ‘manage’ area from the ‘Class database.’ Click the three-dots menu for the class you wish to access and choose ‘manage’ from the drop-down menu. Then, follow the steps as above.
The dates of the reports will change in alignment with the reporting day that you have selected. For example, if you want your reports to run from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59, you should select ‘Monday’ as your reporting day.
How to disable reporting emails
If you would prefer to log in and view your reports in the Bedrock platform instead, you can opt out of receiving the reporting emails altogether.
If you opt out of the reporting emails, make sure that you are still keeping track of important student data, such as progress, usage, and attainment. These reports can be found within your Bedrock reporting dashboard.
- Log in to your teacher dashboard
- On the 'class dashboard,' select the class you wish to change
- Select ‘Manage’ and scroll down to the ‘Teachers’ section
- Find the teacher you wish to change the reporting day for
- Using the dropdown, select ‘disabled’ to switch off reporting emails
You can also access the ‘manage’ area from the ‘Class database.’ Click the three-dots menu for the class you wish to access and choose ‘manage’ from the drop-down menu. Then, follow the steps as above.
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